Curriculum Vitae


  • 2023.09 - Present
    MPhil in Computer Science

    - Supervisor: Prof. Amir K. Goharshady

    - A member of the ALPACAS Research Group

  • 2019.09 - 2023.07
    BEng in Computer Engineering

    - Minor in Big Data Technology

    - Awarded the 2019-2020 HKUST School of Engineering Scholarship


  • 2023.09 - 2024.02
    Blockchain-based E-voting system using Blind Signatures

    - Designed and implemented a blockchain-based e-voting system using blind signatures and relayer structure.

    - At least 40% more efficient in terms of gas cost than other existing systems with same security measures

    Solidity / Blind Signatures / Ethereum
  • 2023.02 - 2023.05
    3-party Random Number Generation on Ethereum

    - Implemented a protocol which allows truly uniformly random number to be generated on blockchain by leveraging RSA and Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem.

    - The number is tamper-proof and secret until it is generated and finalized.

    RSA / Goldwasser-Micali Cryptosystem / Homomorphic Encryption / Ethereum
  • 2022.08 - 2023.05
    Advanced Video Analytics for Smart Carpark

    - Awarded the HKUST Best FYP Award and the Huawei FYP award for the year 22/23.

    - Worked with FYP team members to design and implement a Vacancy Detection System for smart carpark. It achieves an accuracy of 91% and shows no false detection when tested in a real world setting.

    CNN / Yolov5 / cv2 / Django


  • 2023.07 - 2023.09
    Research Assistant
    @Prof. Gary Chan's lab, HKUST

    - Worked on edge AI to install AI models on edge devices such as cameras for detecting vacant car slots in the carpark.

    - Worked on a fall detection system which gives alarm when an elderly is detected falling down.

    Edge AI / CNN / Yolov8 / cv2 / CUDA
  • 2022.07 - 2022.09
    AI & Data Engineering Intern
    @Baronford & Associates

    - Collaborated in an agile manner to develop various systems, models, and data pipelines for a patient record system.

    EDA / Data Augmentation / K-means Clustering / Classification / CRUD / MERN Stack
  • 2021.12 - 2022.02
    Junior Developer
    @Radiance Tech International Limited

    - Participated in company's system software design, analysis and development process.

    - Managed firm's website and designed the mobile website layouts, worked in a team to develop a speech-to-text recognition system (hyperparameter tuning).

    HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Hyperparameter tuning


  • 2023.06
    Professor Samuel Chanson Best FYP Award
    [See award]
  • 2023.06
    Industry Sponsored Best FYP Award
    [See award]
  • 2019.11
    Dean of Engineering Scholarship
    [See award]


  • 2023.09 - Present
    Postgraduate Studentship


Extracurricular activities

  • 2019.09 - 2020.02
    Subcommittee member
    @China Entrepreneur Network (HKUST Chapter)

    - China Entrepreneur Network (CEN) is an organization that nurtures students from all disciplines to become leaders and entrepreneurs for a sustainable future. It is a welcoming society that embraces students from all regions and have four other chapters in the U.S. and Australia.

    - Held events and workshops that invite professionals from various fields to share their experiences in startups and entrepreneurship.